BEEF selects all of its products with a lot of rigor and knowledge. We have selected our suppliers who share the same philosophy and same concern for excellence as we do.
Of course, all our products are homemade, fresh and in season.

``The love of the product`` It has been more than 20 years that the ``Metzger`` brothers, our butchers, have been selecting exceptional animals and keeping their commitment chart secret. They claim to have a strong identity with values based on work, the selection of exceptional quality meats and a concern for continous innovation. BEEF is proud to have developed a very strong relationship with the METZGER brothers over the years, and it allows us to have access to the best meats available for you to enjoy.
For our fruits and vegetables, BEEF is supplied by the ``Budé`` farm in Geneva. With organic and local productions, this farm located in Grand-Saconnex, was also the forerunner of local eco-responsible breeding
Our selection includes a group of meat breeds called *bouchères``. This characteristic gives taste, olfactory and sensory qualities that multiply and increase the aromas and flavors. You will find in our meat proposals, names of well-known breeds and some less known. Excellence is not distinguished by a name on a menu, but by the selection, the choice and the uniqueness of the animal. This is where the work of our butcher intervenes, thanks to his expertise and experience acquired over many generations. The breed is only the first step in a long process of selection and maturation process as well.